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JSLeague is the first Romanian enterprise to cover trainings on all JavaScript tech stack and beyond. We grow companies' dev teams knowledge by developing custom curricula and exercises. We believe in excellence and passion in building careers as developers.
We help grow developer teams and their knowledge by providing custom trainings on all front-end and JavaScript technologies. We help them deliver performant applications with the newest and up to date curricula.
Enterprise TrainingsWe welcome all developers to take part into a series of JS techical trainings designed as open classes. From Intro to Web Development to advanced frameworks such as Angular, React and Node.js, take a 3 days deep dive into the JS tech stack.
Open ClassesFrom 2 to 4 days of training, our curricula is custom made on each company's technical needs.
Either half or a full day, on the same or different weeks, our trainings are flexible on your developers schedule.
Investment in education and keeping knowledge up-to-date makes developers happy and productive.
Mastering new technolgies means better coding and better, more performant applications.
We believe in giving back to the community. Our efforts are invested in non-profit workshops for young professionals, University students and kids. Our team of JS experts provide technical education to all levels.
We air the first technical podcast in Romania. Every month we invite
software developers, entrepreneurs and industry leaders to discuss
about new technologies, events, life and Universe itself.
Current Episode #18 - Florin Pop
TechHub Bucharest
39-41 Nicolae Filipescu
District 2, Bucharest, Romania
Rubik Hub
1 Aleea Tineretului, Piatra Neamt, Romania
contact [at] jsleague [dot] ro
Proiect cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Capital Uman 2014-2020
ConÅ£inutul acestui material nu reprezintÄ Ć®n mod obligatoriu poziÅ£ia oficialÄ a Uniunii Europene sau a Guvernului RomĆ¢niei.